
“To win the marketplace, you must first win the workplace.”
- Doug Conant

Communication Technology and Inclusion Will Shape the Future of Remote Work

Communication Technology and Inclusion Will Shape the Future of Remote Work

Modern technology has created a unique opportunity to change the way you approach work. It is also absolute in terms of verification of what contribution we have to the development of a given organization. 

5 Ways on Measuring Employee Performance with Employee Metrics

5 Ways on Measuring Employee Performance with Employee Metrics

Measuring employee performance usually causes stress for employees and HR managers. Many companies use performance metrics to measure employee review and satisfaction. Don't know how to stay calm when you conduct a performance review for your employees? Let's discuss the employee performance methods together with Brainy HR

HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources - Book review

HR from the Outside In: Six Competencies for the Future of Human Resources - Book review

An employee is first and foremost a human being - their expectations, fears, and needs are in the center of attention and a key driver of changes in the company where they work. New technologies, economic, political and cultural development, as well as the industrial revolution, have a diametrical impact on the labor market, companies operating in it, as well as HR departments, stand at the front of this positive transformation, which is not only business, but above all public.

HR Tips: Differences between business and professionally managed organization

HR Tips: Differences between business and professionally managed organization

If your company is small, you may not worry too much about operating systems, management systems, or even organizational culture, because in a group of two, three, or five people these are not a challenge. These are normal interpersonal relationships, very simple solutions that work, so you don't have to worry about the various challenges that corporations face. However, if your company grows every day, you should be aware of how a small company differs, how the entrepreneur's approach differs from that of a more complex organization.

The benefits of implementing a hr software-system

The benefits of implementing a hr software-system

Nowadays, most of the efficiently developing enterprises, along with the increase in their revenues and brand recognition, are becoming more and more willing to use innovative systems that improve the company's work. The existing programs and tools used in various departments are beginning to be insufficient, which is why the management uses modern solutions, thanks to which the company can better organize its work. The innovative solutions include, among others, HR systems that allow you to better manage employees, more effectively manage documents and more efficiently implement the organization's strategy.

How to create a culture of positive intent

How to create a culture of positive intent

The basis for building healthy interpersonal relationships is effective communication. Too often, it is difficult when we only pay attention to what is difficult when we only pay attention to what is on the surface when talking to our loved ones.

In this article, you'll learn how to look deeper and see the real intentions of the people you communicate with. This will allow you to create relationships that are durable and based on trust in the other person.

The Recruitment Process: A Guide to Hiring Top Talent

The Recruitment Process: A Guide to Hiring Top Talent

Сompanies should invest in updating their recruitment processes. Below are 5 recruitment trends that will allow you to gain an advantage over your competition and provide the best people for your business.

HR in the face of digitization and automation

HR in the face of digitization and automation

HR challenges and the reality of the emerging "new world of work" in the integration of IT, tele information and building automation systems.When talking about industry, technology and machines are the most commonly thought of. However, the pace of development and its success largely depends on people. What features and competences should employees have?

Talent: Can You See It?

Talent: Can You See It?

It is well known that creating any company's future success requires the development of a strong organizational culture and effective leadership. And that all organizations need: creativity, strategic thinking skills, a culture of constant change, commitment, passion and loyalty of employees. Today, "having talent" means the same as "having a personal brand", and maybe even more, such as "being someone special".

“ The Effective HR Business Partner ” book review

“ The Effective HR Business Partner ” book review

It would seem that everything has already been said and written about it. However, many people are constantly looking for reliable data and first-hand ideas that will allow them to better prepare for the challenges ahead. Presentations of interesting, and often controversial, ideas lead to "intense" discussions and many practical activities.