
“To win the marketplace, you must first win the workplace.”
- Doug Conant

HR Tips: Differences between business and professionally managed organization

HR Tips: Differences between business and professionally managed organization

If your company is small, you may not worry too much about operating systems, management systems, or even organizational culture, because in a group of two, three, or five people these are not a challenge. These are normal interpersonal relationships, very simple solutions that work, so you don't have to worry about the various challenges that corporations face. However, if your company grows every day, you should be aware of how a small company differs, how the entrepreneur's approach differs from that of a more complex organization.

The Recruitment Process: A Guide to Hiring Top Talent

The Recruitment Process: A Guide to Hiring Top Talent

Сompanies should invest in updating their recruitment processes. Below are 5 recruitment trends that will allow you to gain an advantage over your competition and provide the best people for your business.

The science behind employee engagement: main tips

The science behind employee engagement: main tips

Achieving business goals by building commitment around them is the shortest way and the cheapest way to build satisfaction and loyalty. A committed employee always feels satisfaction and always remains loyal to the undertaken commitments. If the company's business goal is to increase income stability, it will be much easier to achieve this goal by applying the presented principles in building customer loyalty. Only employees who are involved in a relationship with the company they work for will be successful.

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: Innovative benefits!

Attracting and Retaining Top Talent: Innovative benefits!

Non-wage incentive systems are becoming one of the decision-making conditions for employees, next to the salary, company prestige and development opportunities. The more innovative benefits are, the better! Find out in our article how to effectively motivate employees.

The most common recruiting mistakes

The most common recruiting mistakes

Are you also struggling with the lack of suitable candidates for positions? Specialists are very demanding in relation to the entire recruitment process, so it is worth knowing their expectations. What are the most common accusations against the recruiter's work?

Minimizing stress at work - tips for managers

Minimizing stress at work - tips for managers

Stressed employees are characterized by lower productivity at work. More and more managers, when organizing the work of their team, pay attention to the issue of stress. Numerous actions are taken to minimize this negative phenomenon.

It’s not a joke. Countless studies show that excess stress can cause real physical symptoms like headaches, upset stomach, increased blood pressure, chest pain, and trouble sleeping. It seems that stress is an individual matter and it is difficult to control it. Each of us reacts differently to the work environment and the tasks we face. 

How to upskill your team: Useful tips

How to upskill your team: Useful tips

Professional competences are not permanent. Over time, both our personality traits and associated soft competences, as well as the level of acquired skills, i.e. hard competences, may change. Continuous improvement of employee competencies should be important for the team leader, because development will be beneficial for the entire company. Check out the top 10 ways to develop employee skills.

Competence is a combination of practical skills and knowledge as well as personality traits that influence the way an employee performs tasks. They include hard competences and soft competences. Many specializations require constant commitment to professional development, as available technologies. The employer who depends on the employee's competences should enable him to develop professionally as part of his work.

Soft skills: examples, tips and training

Soft skills: examples, tips and training

Soft skills are more important for professional success than technical or hard skills. Knowledge is power, but far more powerful is the right way to deal with people. Soft skills are defined as methodical, personal and social competences that are characterized by interdisciplinary qualifications and are reflected in the personality and behavior of a person.

5 steps to the profession of a recruiter

5 steps to the profession of a recruiter

“It is socially fashionable,” “I like to understand people and communicate with them,” “I like helping people,” “I want to work in my specialty” ... These and many other phrases can be heard from young graduates who send their resumes for vacancies as “ Recruiter". It is no secret that units are chosen, but the strongest win, and not even the first time.

How to Get an Entry-Level Job in HR

How to Get an Entry-Level Job in HR

In the era of developing technology and automation, there is still a real demand on the market for HR specialists. What do people working in the Human Resources department do and how much do you earn on average? How to become an HR person? You will find the answers to the questions.