Greeting a new company member is definitely a "hot" topic in the HR sphere for several years. Everyone knows that the first day, week, month, quarter in a new job is very high-ranking. Therefore, it is important that people who start working in the company, thanks for the warm welcome and good organization procedure, feel needed in the first weeks of work.
A mixture of excitement, tension, and anticipation, this is how most people feel when they change a job. The first day at work is like a first date. Smart greeting helps to build a lasting business relationship, here's how to do it right. We highlight a few stages of welcoming a new employee.
Stage 1 - Before the first working day
- Before a new employee arrives at the company, make sure that he gets the contract on the first day and necessary work tools.
- It is good practice to make a phone call to the candidate 2-3 days before starting his work and ask how is he doing? How does his well-being face a new challenge?
- Make sure that everything is ready on the employer's side and you are waiting impatiently for him to come. In the era of fast communication, you can also send a short text message with a photo, for example:

"Hey, Anna, we can't wait for you to join us, everything is ready for your coming, and here is your team and desk 🙂 See you! " Simple right?
This is the first contact point, with HR and new employees.
Stage 2 - Preparing
Have you ever thought about the "welcome box"? This is a welcome set of practical gadgets, sweet gifts and items which can tell something important about the company. Maybe care for the environment and a healthy lifestyle are important in your organization? Give the employee an ecological notebook made of recovered paper and a rope park ticket. Or maybe it is important for you that your employees constantly develop and learn new things? Add an interesting book to the welcome box and if you add pens, sticky notes, a cup with a name and a bar of chocolate, every employee will feel good in a new environment from the very beginning. And here it comes!
Prepare the documents to sign (employment contract, NDA, staff regulations, forms to the Tax Office, etc.). Also send detailed information about employee benefits (health insurance, multisport card, training financing rules, day off, massage, etc.)
Stage 3 - Start later
Let your new employee come an hour later than usual on the first day. Then the morning chaos is over and you already had time to meet a newbie and drink a cup of coffee. The first working day of your employees will start more relaxed.
Stage 4 - Meeting new employee in the office
- Go around with the new person and introduce the new team member to the current employees.
- Organize time - the worst thing you can do is leave a new employee unattended and alone. After looking at the screen or wall for an hour, the employee asks himself: "Am I really want to be here?"
- Conduct onboarding meetings - provide information on the company's organizational structure and culture, as well as values ​​that are significant, sign documents and help to login to the company account system.
- Organize a meeting with people the new team member will work with on a daily basis. Put the meetings in the calendar, book a room.
Make sure you don’t overwhelm new starters on their first day, bombarding them with boring documentation; get them to do the necessities and then break the day up with more interesting tasks.
Stage 5 - Welcome email
To create a great-performing welcome email, keep these points in mind:
- Introduce your newbie ( name, position, office location)
- Match the design, tone, and content of your welcome email with that of your brand promise
- Highlight interests and hobbies
Stage 6 - Plan the first lunch
Make sure that your new employee doesn't have to go out to eat alone during his first lunch break. Perhaps a team member or HR will take care of the social integration of the new employee.
Stage 7 - Provide exciting tasks
New employees usually start full of vigor and energy. This positive energy shouldn't fizzle out. Often, employees go home early on their first day because they have nothing to do yet. It can be frustrating. Make their work exciting and demanding right from the start.
Let's give the new employee a warm welcome with a professionally designed onboarding process and ensure a perfect start.