Well-being of your employee - key to success

Well-being of your employee  - key to success
  1. Risk factors in the workplace
  2. Fashion for well-being
  3. Wellness recipe at work
  4. Investment in productivity
  5. How to care for employees' health?
  6. Health of employees
  7. Care for employees health at work

For years, we listened to the fact that success is achieved by hard work. Both among employees and employers grow awareness that relaxation is not a sin. On the contrary - a great way to increase productivity.

Risk factors in the workplace

The risk of psychological problems at the workplace causes primarily to adapt working hours to individual needs or order duties. This last one can be both excessive and insufficient in the employee's assessment. Problems at work also appear as a response to ambiguous division of roles and unclear task objectives.

Worker health in this matter, so the role of the manager or leader. This supervisor has a direct impact on your team and it is responsible for building correct relations in it. Other factors are also weak leadership and communication and insufficient emotional support. In addition, employees exchange lack of respect and recognition, unjust treatment, favoring of selected persons or depreciation of efforts. In employee charges, there will also be a small share in the decision-making process, which transforms the desire to feel responsibility and verbal.

Although it is more and more often, there is still a rare relationship between mental health and health at all. Meanwhile, anxiety, depression or neurosis is often accompanied by problems with overpressure, sleep disorders, headaches and heart disease. As with any disease, regardless of its cause, however, the effect is always the same. Our performance, concentration, creativity and motivation are reduced, which we work worse and slower or we do not work at all, going to medical release. There are also mistakes and accidents at work, loss of control over entrusted tasks, inability to make decisions or effective planning. Our bad well-being also affects the deterioration of the relationship in the team and with clients, and through this weakening of the company's image.

Fashion for well-being

Currently very promoted in larger enterprises, the concept is wellness, i.e. just a philosophy of taking care of well-being. This is about both physical health, achieved thanks to the right amount of sleep, healthy nutrition and sports, as well as psychological health by maintaining the so-called Work-Life Balance. Because research shows that 20% of managers sleeping below six hours a day, and only 3% of people in the world have genetic conditions to such an active lifestyle, obvious becomes the fact that it must have their consequences. It is not a mystery that people not satisfied and worked are less concentrated and have reduced cognitive skills. This causes that instead of being more productive, they become much worse in their work despite the fact that they work longer.

Wellness recipe at work

To find out how to take care of the well-being of employees, it is best to look at the pioneers of such thinking. And not by accident, they will be the largest giants in the world as Google or Microsoft. They have infrastructure in their offices allowing a nap while working, training at the gym or a good healthy meal. On the other hand, they offer flexible working hours and a lot of opportunities to relax, which helps maintain mental health. How to help employees in a company that can not afford to enlarge the office twice to add all these amenities? At the beginning, it is enough to dedicate one small room for the gym and fill it with basic equipment, and the second room for Chill Room, where employees will be able to relax in silence and even nap. In addition, you can free your working hours, i.e. let people work when they feel best. It is also worth conducting a job satisfaction study that will indicate other directions of changes.

Investment in productivity

Seemingly, it may seem that the changes proposed higher are not too good investment, especially in the era of the employee market. Because primarily with large expenditure, while reducing working time. However, practice and example of many companies show that focused and creative employees will perform their tasks much faster than those worked. They will also have much better ideas to solve problems, which will translate into their increased productivity and a sense of ties with the organization. This, in turn, as it is known, can prevent excessive fluctuation of the frame, which is today the nightmare of all employers.

How to care for employees' health?

So what to do to protect employees' mental health? There are many proven ways and models of activities that can implement every company. At the beginning, however, it should be started with the introduction of an appropriate policy and accompanying principles of proceedings, concerning primarily security. The lack of such principles in the workplace can also lead to emerging such phenomena as mobbing or harassment. This unquestionably has a negative impact on the human psyche and emotional stability. About the resulting problems, like legal consequences, the breakdown of the band or loss of a good image by the company, do not even need to mention.

In the creation of internal policy, employers can help external experts. It can also invest in the organization of workshops or lectures devoted to such topics as mobbing, harassment or discrimination, eg due to the origin, confession or gender. Such classes give the possibility of an open conversation and diagnosis of dangerous phenomena and abuse. It is easier to respond to such phenomena and counteract them. Already the fact that employers make such an initiative will allow employees to feel more confidently and ensure that employees' health is a key issue in the eyes.

Health of employees

It is fundamental to create an organizational culture in which everyone feels safe, accepted and important in the context of the full role in the team. Correct relationships and strong ties are the basis of good and effective cooperation, which is why you need to take care and do not invest. The key to happiness of employees is therefore a reasonable and attentive management for which they submit, among others Right division of roles and award system, clear designation of goals, but also as far as possible, build a strategy and image of the company together.

It is also good to encourage employees to maintain a balance between professional and private life. Nothing affects so well on mental health, how to rest among close people, friends and family, on a walk in the park or on the pool. It's important to have the so-called Skipper from business cases.

Care for employees health at work

Also in the office, apart from taking care of good relationships, the employer can create a space that will allow you to relax during the day. Such a place is, for example, a relaxation room with a hammock place and a yoga mat. Increasingly, benefit for employees are meditative sessions and physiotherapists. Psychologists or coaches are invited to consult their office, who teach how to better design priorities and goals and take care of emotional stability. The visits of dietitians and other specialists promoting a healthy lifestyle become popular.

Currently, companies have at their disposal a whole range of tools and resources, including benefits, like sports cards or tickets to cinemas that allow them to take care not only about physical circles of employees of people, but also about their personal development and well-being. Health, whether this is a matter of fitness or a psyche, because it is not only an employee. The employer also bears responsibility for it. It is worth realizing and making sure that everyone can enjoy it. Because they have a healthier and happier employee, the more satisfied employer.

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