The Ideal Team Player

The Ideal Team Player
  1. The Ideal Team Player
  2. TOP - 6 characteristics of ideal team members
  3. How to select ideal employees for your team?
  4. Summary

The Ideal Team Player

To find the ideal talented employees - the dream of every specialist in the work with the staff. But it is not so simple. To form a truly effective team, many companies have to go a long way, periodically connected with the hiring and dismissal of employees. There may be a lot of disappointments and changes in the HR strategy.

But in this article and the following articles, we will try to raise the heart of things that should be immediately paid attention to, to spend the time of professionals working with staff on the right candidates and make HR - the process of recruitment and development of staff effective.

TOP - 6 characteristics of ideal team members

1. For them, reporting is important and they are working to improve their results

Every person in the team greatly impacts the team's dynamics and effectiveness. Persons in the final account are responsible for the decision of whether the team will be non-functional, functional, or high-performance. Ideal players are those for which really important reports of their work and they are motivated not just to submit a report at the end of the month or the end of the week. They work to make this report effective. And if they had little success for different reasons, they will be motivated and challenge themselves to improve their results at the next reporting time.

2.They Understand Their Role

Team members who work in organizations with superior business results and high profitability and performance tend to be very clear about the specific expectations related to their roles. The expectations these organizations have for their people are not something they are willing to leave to chance. No matter what job each person has (or at what level they sit in the business hierarchy), they are expected to engage and contribute as vital team members.

3. They Are Flexible

For people to work effectively in a team and build effective communication, they should be flexible. Members of any - team sooner or later will survive a certain conflict. The most effective employees can express their opinion and listen to their colleagues. Their thinking should not be aimed at the intensification of conflict and the expression of their claims, but they should think about how to build communication so that they can get out of the conflict phase as quickly as possible and make the right decision for the team and business as a whole.

The most effective teams have members who actively seek and include others in making key decisions and solving problems creatively. They understand that the diversity of opinions leads to optimal decisions.

4. They Back Up Goals with Action

Everyone on the team should have areas that might not be natural strengths. Being an effective team member requires individuals to have the right frame of mind backed up by consistent actions. Effective team membership is characterized by how you think and feel about your role and the actions you take to support the team’s goals.

5. They are committed to their team

Every business needs competent, motivated, and enthusiastic people at the basic level of team formation.

Team leaders must be prepared to identify and address the various issues and obstacles that will arise from their team. They should also immediately determine how they will measure performance and the method of measuring results should be as appropriate to each specialty as possible. If the team issues are not resolved for a long time, the whole business will suffer. When others need help, each team member should be aware of these needs and ready to provide their support.

6. They Are Optimistic and Future-Focused

When teams perform at high levels, they view the future optimistically. Great teams approach their work strategically and anticipate the actions they can take that will add value to the overall business. They are innovative, entrepreneurial, and enterprising. They think about how their roles might look in the future, how their jobs might change, and what their customers will need down the line.

This is a set of basic features that will help you decide whether to take a certain specialist into the team. Of course, when we talk about people, we should understand that even all scientific “recipes” of selection may not work and do not give the necessary effect. Working with people can arise a lot of unpredictable emotional situations and it is impossible to calculate and describe each of them. But there are some fundamental things from which to be pushed when building a team of dreams.

How to select ideal employees for your team?

Having read a lot of books and having already owned practice of building teams, we have decided to write 9 tips that will help you to select the right players for your team already during the interview.

  • Debrief each interview as a team

The first interviewer should meet and debrief with the hiring committee before the next interview to clarify which qualities have been identified and which are still unclear.

  • Don't be generic

If you ask a generic question, you'll most likely receive a generic answer, which will lead you no closer to determining if the candidate is suitable for your company. Be specific and intentional with your questions.

  • Practice conducting group interviews

A group interview will allow you to see how the candidate interacts in a group with several people at once. This type of interview also allows you to significantly save time and conduct a briefing more efficiently since all candidates will be able to ask more diverse questions.

  • Make interviews non-traditional

If you want to observe your candidate's skills and behaviors in a regular setting, try mixing up the traditional conference room, and a sit-down interview. Instead, take your candidate on a walk, run an errand, or visit a public space.

  • Ask questions more than once

If you feel that a candidate has not given a sincere or accurate answer to a question, do not ignore it. Be persistent and don't be afraid to ask questions with the same context but in a different way. By asking the same question several times, you can confirm your suspicions about the insincerity of the first answer or see certain incompetence, which will also help you make a choice.

  • Ask what others would say

Rather than asking a candidate to describe themselves, ask them how others would describe them. This introspective approach typically results in more honest answers and encourages them to think in with a unique, new mindset.

  • Ask candidates to do some real work

The purpose of this activity is not to profit off your interviewee. Instead, the intention is to see how the candidate performs in the real world and whether or not their skills measure up to their resume.

  • Don't ignore hunches

If you have already begun to notice some differences in views with the candidate, but still there are things you like about him, you need to continue to research the person. You must reach the stage when you will understand whether the candidate has more of the necessary traits or more that are unsuitable for your requirements. Having studied a person completely, you will have no doubts and you will make an informed decision about a certain candidate.

  • Be as honest as possible with your candidates

Show your directness and tell people the exact qualities you are looking for in the ideal candidate for a certain position. This will psychologically repel those who will understand that he or she is no longer suitable for a certain position and may not be able to cope with their duties in the future. In this way, you will also weed out those who do not suit you already at the initial stages of recruitment.


Team selection and formation is a very important process for every business. The success of the business as a whole will depend on how correctly you will form the team, what characteristics the people in it will have, how communication will be built between them, and how problems and conflicts will be resolved. In today's world, more and more leaders understand that the most important thing in business is people.

The topic of selection of specialists and formation of teams at different levels is a very extensive topic that we have started to develop and we will reveal this topic in our next articles.

We also remind you that HRIS is an excellent tool that allows you to qualitatively select people for the team and later manage their stay in the company. Register now and get access to a platform that will allow you to transform HR processes in your organization. The first month of the Brainy HR demo is free.

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