Employees: Going Back to the Office Is Stupid

Employees: Going Back to the Office Is Stupid
  1. Speak the language of benefits!
  2. Don't insist on yours, be flexible!
  3. Prepare yourself accordingly!

Would you like to work from home but are you afraid your boss will disagree? Then, check how to convince him of this idea!

Performing work from home is an increasingly popular form of work. Thanks to modern technologies, many people can do their work from their own home and from anywhere in the world. Moreover, both sides benefit here - the employee has more comfortable working conditions, thanks to which he is more motivated. The employer saves time and money and gains a satisfied, effective employee.

Although remote work is gaining popularity, it is still relatively rarely practiced in our country. For this reason, your boss may not be convinced that this is an excellent idea. Understand your employer - he certainly cares about you as a good employee and cares about his interests. If he is used to having his employees always on hand in the office and can come over to check on them at any time, it may be difficult for him to trust you when you are out of his reach. The boss may be afraid that you will neglect your job duties, you will constantly take breaks, and instead of working, you will constantly be on Facebook ... Try to understand him, try to guess what other reasons he may have for not agreeing to work remotely and use it in a conversation, in which you will try to convince him of your idea!

Speak the language of benefits!

Of course, your reasons for working from home are not enough, and the skeptical boss is not enough. But, on the other hand, he will certainly be interested in the benefits that he will receive thanks to the consent to such a mode of work. So speak the language of benefits:

What are the reasons why the remote work system will make you more productive and make you have better results at work? You can also show a practical example from work, when you showed independence and great organization of your time, without supervision.

Tell about the research results showing that people working remotely are more effective and efficient in carrying out their duties.

Mention that the employer will save time (which he spent checking your office, checking how you are doing, and discussing business matters with you) and money (office maintenance costs are certainly not low).

Don't insist on yours, be flexible!

If the company you work for has never used a remote work system before, the management will probably be very cautious about your proposal. So if you find that you may not get approval despite convincing arguments, try to convince your employer otherwise! Be flexible!

You can offer to combine working from home with working in the office, and that you will only work remotely for a certain part of the working time (e.g., 2 days a week). Another suggestion that you can also leave is a probationary period (e.g., a month), which your manager will give you to prove that you will actually do a great job doing work from home. For such a trial period, the boss will definitely agree to it because it will not be a final decision, and he will be able to cancel it at any time. However, when you show no reason for you to return to the office because you work even more efficiently at home, you will gain another argument for the employer to agree to a permanent remote work system.

Prepare yourself accordingly!

When you finally get permission to start working remotely (even just for a trial period), be well prepared for it! Don't act spontaneously, rather prepare a plan of action:

- Think about what hours of work will be most beneficial for you and how many breaks you will need.

- Think of what might distract you while working within your four walls and ... eliminate it! For example, if you are afraid that you will prefer to clean the house instead of working, do the cleaning sooner.

- Prepare a comfortable and clean workplace.

- Talk to your boss about how you will communicate and how often you will report back to him on your progress at work.

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