Employee Handbook: top missing things from BrainyHR

Employee Handbook: top missing things from BrainyHR
  1. Employee Recognition and Rewards
  2. Description of organizational culture
  3. Most Important Policies

Hundreds of times, you answer the same questions of new employees? Is it time to turn off the ineffective parrot and make a good reference for employees? What to do, who is useful, how is he arranged? BrainyHR presents five tips that will help you develop the content of the Welcome Book for your company.

Employee Recognition and Rewards

Appreciating employee work and achievements is a key motivator. Discretionary prizes may be awarded in the form of a cash benefit or in kind. While in the first case there is not much room for maneuver, in the case of material prizes employers have almost unlimited possibilities. You can give an employee for example:

  • shopping vouchers;

  • a sports pass or tickets for cultural, sporting or musical events;

  • branded merch;

  • voucher for a coursers;

  • a new smartphone, laptop or other device useful in everyday life.

It is very important to prescribe in the handbook how to use сompany recognition and rewards program. BrainyHR has a recognition and rewards feature, in response to such changing employee needs, we propose the use of modern reward tools whose key distinguishing feature is the use of the strength of experience. Experiences are understood here as an award entitling the employee to perform the service, e.g. parachuting, dinner on a yacht or weekend at a vineyard. The implementation of the experience raises unique emotions that are memorable and allow the employee to identify them with the context of work. In this way a bridge is created between the private sphere of emotions and the professional sphere.

Description of organizational culture

Organizational culture is not just an invention, it turns out that the companies that created it at a high level, thanks to it, gained many benefits. Here are the biggest advantages of organizational culture:

  • organizational culture makes company values ​​visible to the company's environment;

  • organizational culture allows you to stand out from the competition;

  • elements of organizational culture determine the uniqueness of the company in the eyes of the customer. This is a big advantage in building a competitive advantage;

  • organizational culture allows companies to achieve greater profits.

As you can see, organizational culture helps build a competitive advantage and increases the chances of success in business. Thanks to it, your company can become unique for both your employees and your clients. So, it's very important to add it in your Handbook.

Most Important Policies

Policies are to a company what rules are to the players of a game. They are the framework and constraints within which everyone can strive for individual and collective success. Besides, for anyone who has watched a few kids playing together it’s pretty obvious why rules are important. And why it’s a good idea to write them down.

  1. Workplace Health and Safety.

  1. Equal Opportunity Policy

  2. Employee Code of Conduct Policy

  1. Leave of Absence Policy

  1. Employee Disciplinary Action Policy

"Jargon of the day" glossary

Company glossary provides a list of terms that are important to a specific department or company structure. The glossary should be unique in its terms and definitions to ensure its completeness and accuracy. Through listing the definitions, examples, synonyms, and so on of specific terms, individuals throughout various departments of a business will be able to communicate without issue. You can write down names of meeting rooms, teams, nicknames, just use your creativity to make it funny!!

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