Information from Employee settings is used in the system. These settings are main and it needs to be configured before start working with the system.

Add employee with simple form mean that all unnessesary information will be skipped during employee creation.
Simple form

Full form

You can enable disable sections or fields based on your needs. For example if you are not going to use Emergency Contact you can hide whole section.
General Settings
Choose fields you need in the system and enable them.

Job settings
You can disable it but it is not recommended. Based on this information all system logic and reports are built.

Here you can enable position/hire date and create positions, offices, departments and work statuses.

Don't forget to SAVE Settings!
At this page you can also enable/disable complaints.

Import Employees.
If you configured employee settings you can start import employees.

You can read more about import here.

You can also add files or documents for each Employee
Employee - Chose employee - Documents - Add new file
You can upload maximum 200 files and in general 600 Mb for one Employee