Simple rules are a set of default rules for getting a reward.

Employees can earn bonuses for
- registration
- birthday (as a company gift)
- work anniversary
- Fixed amount annually
- Annually, Multiply by the number of years worked
Once employee first login points will be added to the balance.
Michelle Green - December 12, 2019 - birthday. - 100 points will be added to the employee's balance.
Work anniversary:
If Fixed is enabled, user will earn fixed amount of bonus no matter how many years he/she works in this company.
Annually, Multiply by the number of years worked means that employee will earn bonus based on working years.
Points Rewarded 100. Fixed amount annually.
Employee will earn 100 points every year.
Michelle Green - December 12, 2019 - hire date.
December 12, 2020 - Michelle Green - 1th Anniversary - 100 points.
December 12, 2021 - Michelle Green - 2th Anniversary - 100 points.
Points Rewarded 100. Annually, Multiply by the number of years worked
Employee will earn 100xN points every year. N- numbers of years this employee works in the Company.
Michelle Green - December 12, 2019 - hire date.
December 12, 2020 - Michelle Green - 1th Anniversary - 100 points.
December 12, 2021 - Michelle Green - 2th Anniversary - 200 points.
December 12, 2023 - Michelle Green - 4th Anniversary - 400 points.
You can enable or disable these rules.